Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Benefits of having a Heat Pumps or a Air Conditioning System this summer

Benefits of Heat Pumps

Heat pumps and Air conditioning systems are preety cool. They keep you cool in the summer and warms your house in the winter. Over the last few years, heat pumps and air conditioning have revolutionized the way we live. We have seen amazing advancement in the technology which makes less of energy while producing maximum results, heating or cooling. 

The popularity of Heat Pumps has risen dramatically over recent years. This has not been purely for their high energy efficiency ratings, but is also due to the numerous practical, convenient, and environmentally friendly benefits that ownership and installation can bring.  
Heat Pumps can be used for Heating
The most obvious benefit of a heat pump system is its ability to provide warmth. This can be achieved with the simple touch of a button: at the wall; or on the remote; and even from the comfort of your chair.  Heat pumps can very quickly increase the temperature of a room.
Heat Pumps can be used for Cooling i.e. Air Conditioning
The “reverse cycle” in the full name of a heat pump refers to its ability to work backwards. In addition to extracting heat energy from outside and bringing this in to your home, your heat pump also has the ability to extract heat from inside your home and transfer this outside (in exactly the same way as a fridge works). The term “Air Conditioning” is more commonly used for the cooling cycle or function of your heat pump. 
If you are thinking of buying a Heat Pumps in Dunedin, contact McClelland  on 03 477 0088 or if you want to more about Fujitsu Heat Pumps, click here
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