Thursday, 9 February 2017

Things a Homeowner Needs to Know About Heat Pumps Maintenance in Dunedin

Few Heat Pumps Maintenance Tips

The hot and sweltering temperatures of summer are here again. This usually means that the AC unit in a home is used far more frequently than at any other time during the year. Using a unit more will usually mean that there is a larger chance to have repair issues. There are a number of different ways to reduce the amount of problems you have with your AC unit and among the most effective is having routine maintenance. The following are a few things that a homeowner needs to know regarding maintenance of their heat pumps in Dunedin.

Consistency is Key
One of the first things you need to consider when trying to get the right maintenance for your AC unit is that consistency is key. The last thing you want to do is to start a maintenance schedule with your unit and then stop. This will lead to more repair issues in the long run and more stress for you. Make sure to follow and adhere to any maintenance schedules that are set forth by the manufacturers. This will help to reduce any issues with the unit due to lack of proper maintenance.
Getting the Right Professionals
The next thing you need to think about in regards to the maintenance for your unit is who you will hire to do it. In order to get the right maintenance done for your unit you will have to get the right professionals hired for the job. You want to find an AC company that has a good deal of experience and that can get the job done quickly. By finding the right professionals, you will be able to make sure the job is done the right way and in a timely manner.
Addressing Any Repair Issues Found
In some cases, the professionals maintaining your unit will find some heat pump repair issues that will need to be addressed. The last thing you want to do is avoid getting them done due to the damage they can do to your unit. The longer you wait to get these repairs you need for your unit, the more damage you will ultimately have to deal with. The professionals will be able to get the right work done quickly and efficiently. The money you pay them for their services will be more than worth it in the end.
At Mattioni’s, you will be able to get the repairs and maintenance you need for your unit. They can get the work done the right way without you having to lift a finger.
If you're living in South Island in Dunedin and looking for a Heat Pumps Specialist, contact McClelland Refrigerations or visit their website

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

How Much Money To Spend On Your Heat Pump?

How much Money for a Heat Pump?

Heat pump prices can be higher or lower depending on its functions and features. Heat pumps are gadgets used to transfer thermal energy from a certain area to another. New technology has now been able to produce systems for cooling and heating such as those in refrigeration of food, manufacturing different kinds of freezers as well creating air conditioning systems. Heat pumps are widely used and recognized by various industries for their production operation.
Heat pumps are equipments that can generate cold and heat temperatures which accounts for its increasing popularity. Countless of consumers have known of its numerous advantages as compared to conventional air conditioners and other systems. Due to economic recession, more people choose cheap but effective equipments for their needs. Heat pumps are the perfect choices as they have a dual purpose contained in one single unit and having on cheap price than conventional systems.
Heat pump prices and models differ according to their manufacturer so check features and options when you plan to purchase such equipments. Whether equipment is small in size or very large, you can check out for available types in the market. Choose those heat pump units with low prices, having high efficiency and low harmful emissions to get your money’s worth. Heat pump prices are influenced by the different features and specifications of each type of equipment.
Nonetheless, here are some things to remember about varying heat pump prices:
• Varying manufacturers equals varying heat pump prices. Heat pump prices that cost high are from manufacturers of popular brands that have high reviews. The heat pump price is high because most people think that branded units are more effective than non-branded counterparts. This assumption is correct because a manufacturer can gain popularity only when it has produced reliable and efficient equipments for consumer.
• Warranty of the equipment also influence heat pump price. Newly produced units or brand new ones come with warranty offers and service repair maintenance. This is why brand new units are more reliable than second hand types, so you must be wary of that. It is usually better to purchase units with warranty to be able to save on repair costs.
• Lastly, the price of heat pumps is influenced by frequent discount and dealer promo periods. So check on your local stores or online for discount periods to be able to save money.
At the moment, Goldstar Heat Pumps are offering a special price for Fujitsu Heat Pumps starting at $1799 which includes GST + installation.  So if you've been thinking of getting a heat pump, then this is the perfect time for you to get one. contact Goldstar Heat Pumps to get this special offer. They also supply Air Conditioning System in Auckland. 
But if you're living in the South Island then you can contact McClelland Heat Pumps & Refrigerations for Heat Pumps in Dunedin. 

Which Heat Pumps to Choose

Heat Pumps: Energy Saving, Cost-Efficient

First of all, what do Heat Pumps do?
 While heat pumps do not literally “pump heat”, these devices are designed to efficiently transfer heat from one place to another. This is usually done between an indoor and outdoor location, or between two different rooms. Their operations are very similar to that of an air conditioner. However, they are more cost efficient, as they use a lot less energy. Heat pumps can be used to cool rooms, as well as heat them, transferring heat without burning heat. This results in heat pumps being considered Eco-friendly.
It’s important to realize that not all heat pumps will possess the same exact design or components. They will operate within the same principle.
Heat pumps are very helpful to those who live in extreme climates. They don’t take a lot of electricity to use and don’t give off any pollutants that’s harmful to your lungs, like smoke and greenhouses gases.
Heat pumps will definitely save you money down the road, but they do cost quite a bit. They’re an investment and for this reason, they’re not as widespread as other heat pump systems that might be available. And most of the time, a heat pump’s installation will require a professional to get the job done.
As a whole, heat pumps are worth the investment, as they are eco-friendly and cost-efficient.
How will Heat Pumps save me Money?
When it comes to how a Heat Pump operates, it’s basically the same format as a refrigeration system, only the opposite. Refrigeration systems takes heat from the inside of a unit and takes it outside, whereas a heat pup will pull heat from the outside, taking it in.
Recommended Heat Pump Systems
If you’re interested in learning about the different heat pumps available, here are the recommended models from Heat Pumps Fr. Products, directly from their website with full descriptions.

GMC (10KW) Heat Pump:
 This is one of Heat Pump’s most recommended and versatile models. This device can be used to effectively heat water in these types of locations:
  • Factories
  • Schools
  • Hospitals
  • Hotels
Basically, any kind of commercial properties with big areas. It’s designed with a slim frame and can fit nearly anywhere you decide to put it.
GMC (19KW) Heat Pump:
 Can heat water in these types of locations:
  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Facotries
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
Can help save you over 75% on electricity usage; timer function; easy to install and isn’t as invasive to whatever yous setup you might already have.
GMC (38KW)  Heat Pump:
 Commercial Heat Pump ideal for:
  • Schools
  • Hospitals
  • Commercial Factories
Allows your electricity bill to be reduced greatly, saving you money in the long run.
GMC (45KW) Heat Pump:
This model is capable of withstanding incredible amounts of daily use and can still perform perfectly in the process.
Hot water output: 1,000lt/hour. Ideal usage for:
  • Restaurants
  • Business Factories
  • Commercial Establishments
It’s compact and can last many years down the road; affordable.
GMC (91KW) Heat Pump:

This final model is the most ideal for restaurants, factories, and schools, even restaurants. This particular models has been recommended by many reputable businesses.
Heating capacity: 1,960lt/hour. Versatile size, high quality, long-term savings.
If you are looking for a heat pumps supplier in Dunedin, contact McClelland Heat Pumps & Refrigerations on 03 477 0088

Finding A Qualified Heat Pump Service Provider in Dunedin

Finding a qualified air conditioning service provider

When it comes to Calgary air conditioner repairs, it can be tricky to find a reputable one. Trouble is, without the phone number of a good technician in your back pocket, you can be in a bad spot when you air conditioning goes on the blink (which will almost certainly be on the hottest day of the year, according to the law of averages). Unless you are a savvy homeowner and can fix the issue yourself, you’re going to need to find a good professional to do it for you. The question is, how do you go about it?
One tack is to simply open up a phonebook (or go online) and search for a technician in your area. But how do you know if they are reputable? The short answer is, you don’t. The only real way to know for sure is to either hire them and take the risk, or to ask trusted friends and family for their advice and recommendations. Sure, you can find reviews of the company you are considering hiring online, but it’s important to take those reviews and testimonials with a grain of salt. You don’t know who is actually writing those reviews. It could be anyone. It could even be the company themselves!
Before you hire a service company, it’s important to ask the right questions. Ask things like:
  • Where did you earn your certification?
  • How long have you been in business?
  • Can you provide me with contact information for three references?
  • Are you insured? What kind of insurance do you carry?
  • Do you guarantee your work?
The answers to these questions are very important in deciding which technician to hire, but there’s an additional question that you may not think of asking.  That is, “Do you work on commission?” If they do, you could run into a situation where they will try to upsell you to a bigger, more expensive unit instead of fixing the problem with your current one. In many cases, the problem is an easy fix, but some commission-based salespeople will try to convince you to replace your unit rather than repairing your existing one. If you go with a company who does not work on commission, they will be much less likely to try to upsell you.
However, there are some cases in which it’s simply necessary to replace your unit. For example, if it has reached the average lifespan (about 15 years) and/or has been repaired increasingly more frequently lately, it’s a more economical choice to replace the unit. In this case, a reputable tech will make a fair and unbiased recommendation for the type of unit you should paurchase next, taking into consideration several factors about your lifestyle and the climate in which you live. These factors could include the size of your home, your budget, the humidity in your area and more. They will find the right unit for your needs and not try to sell you on a more expensive unit that you don’t need.
If for some reason your heat pump is not working and you need to repair it or you're thinking of getting a new heat pumps in Dunedin, you can contact McClelland Heat Pump and Refrigeration on 03 477 0088