Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Which Heat Pumps to Choose

Heat Pumps: Energy Saving, Cost-Efficient

First of all, what do Heat Pumps do?
 While heat pumps do not literally “pump heat”, these devices are designed to efficiently transfer heat from one place to another. This is usually done between an indoor and outdoor location, or between two different rooms. Their operations are very similar to that of an air conditioner. However, they are more cost efficient, as they use a lot less energy. Heat pumps can be used to cool rooms, as well as heat them, transferring heat without burning heat. This results in heat pumps being considered Eco-friendly.
It’s important to realize that not all heat pumps will possess the same exact design or components. They will operate within the same principle.
Heat pumps are very helpful to those who live in extreme climates. They don’t take a lot of electricity to use and don’t give off any pollutants that’s harmful to your lungs, like smoke and greenhouses gases.
Heat pumps will definitely save you money down the road, but they do cost quite a bit. They’re an investment and for this reason, they’re not as widespread as other heat pump systems that might be available. And most of the time, a heat pump’s installation will require a professional to get the job done.
As a whole, heat pumps are worth the investment, as they are eco-friendly and cost-efficient.
How will Heat Pumps save me Money?
When it comes to how a Heat Pump operates, it’s basically the same format as a refrigeration system, only the opposite. Refrigeration systems takes heat from the inside of a unit and takes it outside, whereas a heat pup will pull heat from the outside, taking it in.
Recommended Heat Pump Systems
If you’re interested in learning about the different heat pumps available, here are the recommended models from Heat Pumps Fr. Products, directly from their website with full descriptions.

GMC (10KW) Heat Pump:
 This is one of Heat Pump’s most recommended and versatile models. This device can be used to effectively heat water in these types of locations:
  • Factories
  • Schools
  • Hospitals
  • Hotels
Basically, any kind of commercial properties with big areas. It’s designed with a slim frame and can fit nearly anywhere you decide to put it.
GMC (19KW) Heat Pump:
 Can heat water in these types of locations:
  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Facotries
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
Can help save you over 75% on electricity usage; timer function; easy to install and isn’t as invasive to whatever yous setup you might already have.
GMC (38KW)  Heat Pump:
 Commercial Heat Pump ideal for:
  • Schools
  • Hospitals
  • Commercial Factories
Allows your electricity bill to be reduced greatly, saving you money in the long run.
GMC (45KW) Heat Pump:
This model is capable of withstanding incredible amounts of daily use and can still perform perfectly in the process.
Hot water output: 1,000lt/hour. Ideal usage for:
  • Restaurants
  • Business Factories
  • Commercial Establishments
It’s compact and can last many years down the road; affordable.
GMC (91KW) Heat Pump:

This final model is the most ideal for restaurants, factories, and schools, even restaurants. This particular models has been recommended by many reputable businesses.
Heating capacity: 1,960lt/hour. Versatile size, high quality, long-term savings.
If you are looking for a heat pumps supplier in Dunedin, contact McClelland Heat Pumps & Refrigerations on 03 477 0088

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